Breakthrough Campaign 2023
Jnetics receive no statutory funding; we are entirely reliant on donations from the community to ensure that we can continue our vital work.
If you wish to donate to Jnetics you can do so in a few ways:
Simply complete the donation form on this page to donate to us online via NowDonateTM
Cheques or charity vouchers
You can make cheques payable to ‘Jnetics’ and send to:
Jnetics, Balfour House, 741 High Road, London, N12 0BP
Call us now on 020 8158 5123 and we will be waiting to take your donation.
Bank transfer
If you wish to make a bank transfer, please email to confirm your details and make a payment to:
Barclays Bank PLC
Account name: Jnetics
Sort code: 20-76-90
Account no: 03213382
or IBAN: GB39 BUKB 20769003213382
If you are not donating through the NowDonate form on this page and wish to benefit from Gift Aid, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration Form →