This section offers links to information and support organisations that are relevant to people who might be seeking more information on BRCA related cancers.
Chai Lifeline / Chai Cancer Care
Chai Lifeline / Chai Cancer Care is the Jewish community’s cancer support organisation that provides many services including counselling, therapies, complementary therapies, helpline, social and physical activities, advocacy and advice and expert lectures. Services are available to patients, families and friends from their Hendon base, Redbridge, South London, and Greater Manchester.

Freephone Helpline: 0808 808 4567
Macmillan provides care and support for people with cancer at every stage of their illness by offering medical help, information, advice and emotional support to cancer patients and their families, and financial help and advice for patients in need. Their website, specialist cancer nurse helpline, and high-quality publications are available free to everyone who needs them.

Macmillan Cancer Line: 0808 808 0000 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 8pm)
Breast Cancer Now
Breast Cancer Care is dedicated to providing support to women with breast cancer or other breast-related problems as well as to their families, partners and friends.

Helpline: 0808 800 6000
Ovacome is a support organisation for people effected by ovarian cancer. It develops and works with other cancer organisations to provide relevant literature.

Support service: 0800 008 7054
Prostate Cancer UK
Prostate Cancer UK is a UK charity that funds research, support services and awareness raising activities. They provide services to men and their families affected by Prostate cancer including specialist Nurses, one-to-one support and information leaflets.

Support service: 0800 074 8383
Breast Cancer Haven
With centres in London, Hereford and Leeds, Breast Cancer Haven offers free support – including counselling, complementary therapies, stress reduction, support groups and nutritional advice – to help anyone with breast cancer cope with the physical and emotional symptoms of cancer and its medical treatment. Online and telephone support is also available.

Ask Eve
Ask Eve is a nurse led specialist gynaecological advice service run by The Eve Appeal. It is led by Dr Tracie Miles, an oncology nurse specialist who is dedicated to supporting women who are confronted by gynaecological issues.

Freephone helpline: 0808 802 0019
BRCA Umbrella
BRCA Umbrella is a moderated internet group that offers access to a range of highly practical and supportive discussion forums covering issues faced by individuals affected by or at risk of having a BRCA mutation.

BRCA Journey
BRCA Journey is a Leeds-based support network, aiming to promote awareness of BRCA in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, and supporting those who are at risk or diagnosed with a gene alteration.

email: brcajourney@gmail.com
phone: 07714204664
twitter: @BRCA_Journey
facebook: brcajourney
The National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Helpline
The National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Helpline is charity that provides help and information for people concerned about hereditary breast cancer. It has a range of support forums including one for the Jewish community. The website includes personal stories, factsheets, and an on-line forum.

24-hour helpline: 01629 813 000
Facing Our Risk Empowered (FORCE)
Facing Our Risk Empowered (FORCE) is a support network for anyone affected by breast, ovarian and related cancers. Although, largely based in the USA, there is a branch based in Essex.

Contact Louise 0778 0673 108 to find out the dates of meetings and for ongoing support.
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK, the largest cancer research organisation in the UK, are involved in the development of new anti-cancer drugs, funding research, producing high quality information for people affected by cancer, health professionals and the general public. Their services include a website, leaflets, specialist cancer nurse helpline, and cancer chat forum.

Breast Cancer Now
Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, created by the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer, who fund research into breast cancer and conduct campaigning activities.

Ovarian Cancer Action
Ovarian Cancer Action is a UK charity that funds world-class scientific research into ovarian cancer leading to innovative treatment and progressive solutions. They also provide useful information including a BRCA hub → section and Hereditary Cancer risk tool →

Several private BRCA testing services are available to people living in the UK. These vary greatly in cost and the services that they provide. If opting for private testing, Jnetics strongly recommends using a service that includes genetic counselling.
If you have private medical insurance and have been diagnosed with cancer, some insurance companies are likely to pay for the cost of the test although this may vary depending on your policy. Unfortunately, insurance companies rarely cover the cost for healthy individuals.
Please see here a list of accredited private clinics for BRCA testing:
- HCA healthcare UK – https://www.hcahealthcare.co.uk/facilities/the-wellington-hospital?utm_source=thewellingtonhospital.com&utm_medium=301
- Gene adviser – https://www.geneadviser.com/genetictest/breast_ovarian_cancer_cuh
- The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) – https://www.tdlpathology.com/
- Gene Health – https://www.check4cancer.com/private-cancer-tests/genetic-testing
- Dr Pichert (only in London once a month)- https://finder.hcahealthcare.co.uk/hca/?utm_source=londonbridgehospital.com&utm_medium=301
- The international Gene Clinic (IGC) – partnered with Portland Hospital – https://igclinic.co.uk/contact-us.php
- Cancer Centre London – https://cancercentrelondon.co.uk/diagnostics/genetic-testing/
- Breast Health UK – https://www.breasthealthuk.com/
- Nuffield Health – https://www.nuffieldhealth.com/pathology-direct#purchase
- Everything Genetics – https://everythinggeneticltd.co.uk/