Last Wednesday, 40 ladies attended the Jnetics Inaugural Ladies Lunch event. The event was held in a beautiful private home. On arrival the guests were greeted by delightful music from Yuval Havkin from Kedma band.
Jnetics CEO Nicole Gordon opened the event by sharing two stories about families that had been affected by Jewish genetic disorders and urged the crowd to encourage children and grandchildren to come forward and be tested. “We have a responsibility to the wider community, to spread the word, giving individuals the knowledge and power to make informed decisions about the health of their future family“ Nicole added.
She also shared information on the new Jewish BRCA Screening Programme, due to be launched after Pesach, and explained that this is a milestone moment for the Jewish community.
After Nicole’s speech, ladies tucked into a delicious fish meal followed by a trio of mini desserts, teas, and coffees. Guests heard from our esteemed guest speaker Stefanie Daniels – holistic lifestyle coach who shared her personal story about how the BRCA gene has affected her family and she gave health and wellness tips to ladies who are struggling with the menopause. “Life could have been so different for me and my family if BRCA testing had been widely available even 5 years ago” Stefanie explained” in fact my mum would have been sitting next to me today“.
The event concluded by thanking everybody involved, with a special thank you to Flowers by Miri who donated four stunning arrangements for the event.
“The inaugural Ladies event was an overwhelming success” Nicole Levy, Marketing and Events Manager enthused, “plans are already underway for next year’s Ladies lunch which will now feature as an annual fixture in the communal diary” she concluded.
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