The Jnetics Clinic
About The Jnetics Clinic
Jnetics offers carrier testing for severe RECESSIVE genetic disorders that are of particular relevance to people with Jewish ancestry via The Jnetics Clinic.
The test offered at the clinic is suitable for those with Ashkenazi, Sephardi/Mizrahi or mixed ancestry and is recommended for those with at least one Jewish grandparent.
The clinic is designed for couples to screen together, however we will accept those wishing to screen individually.
Please note that this service is no longer appointment based, your screening pack will be dispatched within 5 working days after your form is submitted.
Please note – this carrier testing covers severe RECESSIVE disorders only and does NOT include the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Find out more about BRCA testing by clicking here.
The screening price for bookings is:
- Couples: £425
- Individuals: £315
This is a no-contact service with pre- and post-test support delivered virtually.
Please see the process below.
Jnetics would like to thank the siblings of Alan Naftalin who kindly donated funds in his memory and to donors from the Jnetics November 2013 dinner for their support with the set-up of this service.